Friday, November 16, 2012

McCalls 6435 Blue & Grey

After completing the grey Vogue knit top I had a conundrum. Too much fabric to throw away guilt-free but what to do with it? I'm trying very hard to use up my stash and I don't want to exchange yardage for scraps. So? Then I remembered McCall's #6435 I picked up for a buck at a recent sale. "No problem," I thought. There would be more than enough fabric to cut view D. That didn't work out. I was short for the second sleeve so I switched to view C. I had enough fabric, barely.  I ended up cutting both upper sections on the crosswise grain. The fabric is very stretchy so I don't think it made any difference.

For the body and second sleeve I used some navy cotton knit I had in the stash. Woo-hoo! Stash reduction x2.
This picture was taken to showcase the necklace but it shows the top also.
This pattern is very shapely at the waist. I straightened the side seams since I am more straight up & down. But I think I will go back and create a bit of waist shaping. I think I will do the same with the solid grey top. Both look a little bag-like right now.

Samo-Samo for Christmas

Pajama pants for Christmas - again! Jeni tells me that the kids love the pajama pants I make them. So, again, this year I am making pajama pants for Hannah, Mason, & Austin. Riley will get a nightgown. She prefers gowns to pajamas. A girly-girl after my own heart! Here is a picture of the fabric I used for Hannah's pj's. 

Hannah's Pajama Pants 2012
I also knitted Hannah a purple slouchy hat. I hope she likes it!

I boys' fabric is a black & white plaid. I haven't decided on Riley's fabric yet. I don't think I have anything in the stash.

Brown, Brown, Brown

In a moment of desperation I bought some brown knit at Jo-Ann's to make a simple skirt and pair of pants. They were supposed to be basics for a brown column of clothes. In my desperation I failed to realize the fabric was too thin to be used successfully for winter clothes. Thank goodness the fabric was on sale or I would feel even worse.

I used a Loes Hinse skirt pattern, #5002. I made the short version without the ruffle at the hem. I wanted a plain simple straight skirt. And that's what I got. I think I need to taper it a bit at the hem to create a more pleasing line.

The pants were from Vogue 2448. This pattern is out of print. It is a Vogue Wardrobe pattern that includes a dress, top, pants, skirt, coat & cape. The dress & top are for moderate stretch knits only. The coat & cape call for double sided fleece or similar fabric. I bought this pattern because it has that long, drapey look. I never used it till now. Even though I'm not long & lean like the model, I am learning to adapt that look to my body. Yeah!

So I haven't worn the pants yet. I still have some handwork to do on them. But I think the will look good. The problem is that the fabric is too thin for winter, as I said earlier. But I can put tights under them and I think they'll be o.k.

Pictures coming soon.