Saturday, September 29, 2012

In Anticipation of the Stash Bash

Our ASG chapter is having a stash bash in conjunction with our Annual Meeting in October. I'm planning on (hopefully) selling off a bunch of my stash (like 50%, I hope!). I've gone through all my fabric, pulling out what I want to sell, and reorganizing what's left. I have about 80 pieces of fabric to sell. When I look at the boxes and boxes of fabric that I acquired during that really dark time of my life, I am truly saddened. That fabric brings me no joy. I will be so glad to get it out of my life. It's almost like chains holding me down. I told my friend, Aline, that I didn't want any of the fabric back. If it didn't sell, I just didn't want to bring it back into my life. She gave me the name of a charity I could donate it to. I really hope I sell a lot of it. Ninety per cent of it is really quality stuff. I know that there are people who would love to have it. I just hope they come to the stash bash and buy it. 

Here are pictures of the mess created while sorting, culling, and reorganizing the sewing studio.
Tubs & tubs of fabric. Aagh!

Now what happened to the inventory cards on these?

The paperwork to organize it all!

The mess before the calm.

Lavender Lovely

Here is the kit for my latest Creative Sweatshirt Jacket. It goes on a beautiful lavender sweatshirt. Oh my gosh the color is fabulous! The lightest silk in the picture is a beautiful shade of light mint green. I have actually started on the jacket. But haven't taken any construction pictures yet. I probably will have a finished picture in a couple of days. I'm pretty excited about this project.

Round Bobbin St. Charles

The weekend of Sept. 14th & 15th was the Round Bobbin quilting and sewing expo in St. Charles. Londa was here with her booth so I was able to work for her. It was quite an experience. 

Setup - Londa received information that set up wouldn't be available until noon on Thursday. When she checked with show management they told her to arrive around 10 a.m. and get in line to unload. Because there was only 1 dock, unloading was the issue. So we arrived around 9:30, found ourselves next in line unload and were able to start unloading within about 15 minutes. We finished up about 5 p.m., headed back to my house to clean up a bit before meeting Ron for dinner.

The Show Opens - Doors open Friday morning at 10 a.m. Londa & I arrived about 8:30 to take care of some last minute work. Ready to start the day, and on the first transaction the credit card machine decides not to work. She calls the bank and gets put on hold. She hands me the phone and says, in essence, "here, you fix it." (She was off to teach a class.) Which was o.k. After the credit card machine fiasco in Houston one year, I was not really panicked. However, when the cash register wouldn't work properly, I did swallow hard. So now the credit card machine is working o.k. (It had dust in the card reading slot?), but I can't ring up any sales. 

I found the manual for the register and called the manufacturer. After describing the problem, the tech guy proceeds to tell me the batteries need to be replaced. "Batteries?", I ask incredulously. "The register is plugged into electricity." Who knew there were internal batteries! So know I've identified the problem, but I can't leave the booth to locate batteries. So I start hand writing sales tickets on yellow legal pad paper. I use the calculator to compute tax. "Please God,"  I pray silently, "Let me not make too big of a mistake." I send a text to Londa's phone, "Plz come back to the booth between classes." 

So I keep hand writing sales tickets. Londa reports back to the booth between classes and I hurriedly tell her the problem. What else could possibly go wrong? Thankfully, nothing did. God heard my pray and provided batteries. The show management lady came by the booth and said she had heard I needed batteries, would these work. In her hand were 4 A batteries. Just what I needed.  I inserted the batteries and said a quick prayer of thanks. Unfortunately all the pre-programmed pricing was lost, but I knew the prices well enough to enter the manually. Londa and Charlie are very understanding about cash register goofs. Thank goodness. 

So I was back in business. The afternoon was a blockbuster sale day and Saturday was o.k. So we ended up o.k. Life is good. I was able to spend time with Londa, talk to a wide variety of interesting women, and also see some of my sewing guild friends. Yes, God is good to me. 

Chicago in Early September

The first week of September I spent 5 days with Jeni at her house. Kevin had rotator cuff (shoulder) surgery. Jeni asked me to come for a few days to help out with the kids while she nursed Kevin back to health. Well, as it turned out, my SIL is very independent and didn't "need" the tender loving care of his wife. But I still was able to play taxi-driver-grandma. I had a blast. My grandkids are the best!

While I was there I had free time during the day and did some sewing. I finished this apron which I hate and have in the Goodwill bag. The photo doesn't show the colors well. The colors have this dirty look to them. I loved the coffee cup pattern, but the colors left me feeling drab. Also the design was not to my liking. There isn't enough coverage on the bodice. I use my aprons when I'm cooking and food splatters on my tops frequently. I need an apron that covers my front side. The other reason I didn't care for the design is the skirt is really full. Like I need to add more fluff to my already fluffy mid-section. So I put the apron in the bag to go Goodwill. I'm sure someone somewhere will love it. 

While in Chicago I was able to start on my Friendship Triangle book cover. I have the squares cut and matched up. I even have the layout designed. Now I just need time to start the sewing. 

I've started on Christmas gifts. Jeni & I discussed items for the grandkids. I will be knitting H a hat & making PJ pants. The boys will both get pj pants as well. Riley & her AG doll will receive matching nightgowns. Good stuff. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Something Soft for Sprout

My son, Scott, called this afternoon and invited The Love and me for dinner tomorrow night. Yummy! I have the stack of burp cloths & receiving blankets to take to Scott & Sara and I figured I might as well whip up the Minkee blanket I was planning to make. 

Sara is planning a jungle theme for the nursery. When I saw this fabric at Jackman's Fabrics a couple of weeks ago, I just had to buy it. The fabric is so-o-o soft. What baby wouldn't want to be wrapped up in so much softness? I hope S&S like it. 

One of Two -- Aprons, That Is

I love aprons! My husband just stuck his head in my sewing studio and asked what I was sewing. "An apron," I said. "Oh, who's it for? he asked. "Why me, of course!" I replied with a note of astonishment. "It's just that you already have quite a few aprons, right? he said tentatively, clearly unsure of the territory he was treading. "I know," I said. "But I love aprons. And, besides I need a lot because I'm a really messy cook." "But, everything you make is delicious!" he responded quickly. Great save, Honey! That's just one of the reasons I love you so much.

Here is my apron from this afternoon. And really, it's the first one I've made this year so I'm not feeling guilty, even though I have another one cut out and ready for the sewing machine. Hopefully, that's tomorrow's project. 

Butterick See&Sew 5125
The fabric is from Hancock's. I bought it last year (2011) on the spur of the moment. I was standing at the cutting table with some other fabric and saw this bolt of fabric laying off to the side. There was only 1-1/2 yds. left and I bought it all. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it. I kept it front and center in the sewing studio because I just really liked the colors and the design. Poppies are a favorite flower of mine. I saw this Butteri k pattern a couple of months ago and knew immediately that my poppy flowered fabric was destined to be an apron. The fabric is a bit heavier than quilting cotton so I decided I didn't need to make it reversible, like I do most of my aprons. I did add a pocket on the right side. I occasionally actually use the pockets in my aprons, mostly for non-food related items. 

I'm really please with how this turned out. And, did I mention I love the fabric?